Colin first tried climbing at age three and has been climbing outdoors and competitively since he was eight years old. He won 10 youth national championships (six in lead, three in bouldering and one in speed) and two youth world championships in lead climbing. As an adult, he has won four IFSC World Cup Medals, including two gold medals at the Innsbruck World Cup in 2022, where he became the first male athlete to win bouldering and lead in the same World Cup event. Colin finished in 7 th place in the finals at the 2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, where he was the youngest athlete in sport climbing. He recently won the silver medal in the combined event at the IFSC World Championships to earn a spot at the 2023 Paris Olympics.
Colin currently attends the University of Colorado, Engineering School and intends to major in Applied Math . Outside of school and climbing, Colin has a myriad of interests, including but not limited to: Languages (Ger man, French), Rubik s Cubes, and the Denver Broncos and Nuggets . Colin and his family’s charitable interests include Access Fund, American Alpine Fund, Colorado Mountain Club, World Kitchen, Children’s Hospital Foundation, Food Bank of the Rockies and the Denver Rescue Mission
Qualified to the 2024 Paris Olympics
2023 World Championships, 2nd (Combined B&L)
2022 IFSC Innsbruck World Cup, 1st (Lead)
2022 IFSC Innsbruck World Cup, 1st (Boulder)
2022 IFSC Villars World Cup, 3rd (Lead)
2021 Olympic Sport Climbing Finalist, 7th Place
2021 IFSC Villars World Cup, 3rd (Lead)
2021 USAC Bouldering Championship, 1st Place
2020 IFSC Pan - American Championships, 1st
2020 USAC Combined National Championships, 2nd
10 - time Youth National Champion
2019 IFSC Youth World Championships, 2nd (lead)
2018 IFSC Youth B World Championships, 1st (lead)
2017 IFSC Youth B World Championships, 1st (lead)
2017 IFSC Youth Pan American Championships, 2nd (lead); 3rd (combined)
2016 Colorado Mountain Young Climber of the Year Award
Sports Illustrated Faces in the Crowd, August 2016.
Never Ending Store, V15 (Switzerland)
Bookeeping, V15 (Colorado)
Echale, V14 (Colorado)
The Phoenix, V14 (Colorado)
Top Notch, V13 (Colorado)
Wheel of Chaos, V13 (Colorado)
Don’t Get Too Greedy V13 (Colorado)
Free Range, V13 (Colorado)
The Right (via Freedom) V13 (Colorado)
Life of Villains, 5.14d (Utah)
The Activator, 5.14d (Utah)
Pure Imagination, 5.14c (Kentucky)
Southern Smoke, 5.14c (Kentucky)
Flight of the Conchords, 5.14c (Utah)
Peregrination, 5.14b (Utah)
Positive Vibrations, 5.14b (Utah) 
Colin's Favorites

Colin Duffy

Instagram: @colinclimbs